Common Practices That Harms The Female Private Part

Most times, it's the little things you see as nothing but fun that brings us so much pain and causes harm to our health.

We'll be talking about common mistakes women make all in the name of taking care of their cookie and this mistake ranges from using of sanitary pads for too long to negligence to checkups to using unclean clothes.

The douching really needs to stop

Although I'm sure you already know, your downstairs isn't supposed to

Orange Zest And It's Health Benefit


       One can say that eating an orange zest or otherwise known as orange peel might not seem very appealing, well it actually doesn't taste so bad. You quickly get use to the thickness and texture of the hard peel.

Stated below are some of the health benefits you never knew!

Protects Respiratory System

Eating foods that contain beta-cryptoxanthin are proven to lower your

Prevent Snakes Access Into Your Toilet and Home


It's no longer news that snakes now feel that the most comfortable place to get their preys easily is in the toilet bowl.

When talking about snakes getting into the toilet sink, some people think or assume that there’s already water inside the toilet sink, but according to plumbers, the toilet seat is designed in such a way that the water stays only in the sink and the pipe that leads to the septic tank or soak away is always empty and free of water.

             Keep  windows and sliding doors in the bathroom closed or ensure the screens are fully

Spiritual Benefits of Coconut Water

         Aside the many benefits of Coconut water, it has enormous spiritual benefits anyone can think of.

Coconut water when used rightly can bring you massive wealth.

Listed below are some of the spiritual benefits of

Physical Health Benefits of Coconut Water

 Coconut Water has quite become the "trendy beverage" in recent years. Coconut water is the clear liquid found inside immature coconuts.   As the coconut matures, the water is replaced by coconut meat. Coconut water is rich in carbohydrates and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Because of this electrolyte composition, there is a lot of interest in using coconut water to treat and prevent dehydration. 

Sipping on this hydrating drink could help improve your skin, digestion and