Prevent Snakes Access Into Your Toilet and Home


It's no longer news that snakes now feel that the most comfortable place to get their preys easily is in the toilet bowl.

When talking about snakes getting into the toilet sink, some people think or assume that there’s already water inside the toilet sink, but according to plumbers, the toilet seat is designed in such a way that the water stays only in the sink and the pipe that leads to the septic tank or soak away is always empty and free of water.

             Keep  windows and sliding doors in the bathroom closed or ensure the screens are fully

intact so a snake can’t slide its way in.

            Prevent a mouse or rat infestation in your home with the correct rodent protection. Snakes will follow the food trail, so if you have mice or rats near or in your house, get rid of them faster.

             Always make sure that all the bushes around your house are properly cleared and well burnt so as to prevent any rodents or reptiles from harboring around the house.

           One thing you should take note of is to always ensure you fumigate your toilet sink regularly. There are special pesticides that are made specifically for this purpose.

           Keep your toilet lid closed at all times and you can also make use of a flat tile to cover your bathroom filter when you’re not in the bathroom so as to stop any further movement of the reptile through the pipes and also ensure that all pipes are well fixed and closed.

          Lastly, always make sure you check inside your toilet sink before you sit on it, avoid using the toilet in the dark and public toilets are dangerous to use anyhow. If you must use them, don’t sit directly on them, lift up your buttock slightly above the bowl and be watchful.

Pouring a heap of salt and a cup of fuel into the toilet bowl can be helpful too.

News also have it that bitter cola spray scares snakes away.

To make your bitter cola spray, grind a good number of bitter cola and pour into a small container with a spray cover then spray it at every corner of your apartment at intervals. Snakes always run from the smell of bitter cola as it kills them.

Source: The Nation Online

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