
On a particular day, a little boy I knew had wanted to jump down from the top of the table to the ground all in the name that he was spider man! Thank God I was there, if not we would have been hearing stories of broken legs and broken teeth.

Back then when we used to watch cartoons, we saw super heroes and after watching their heroic acts, we started imitating them. And that was why a child that watched a superman (cartoon) where he (superman) lifted an airplane will go ahead to try to lift the sibling up, in the child’s innocent mind, he or she is a superman too.

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We somehow grew up with that mentality, hoping to be super heroes, to be thrown to the spotlight, even when we have not been committed and consistent to our passion (s)!

Commitment and consistency; that is the part of the story we forgot.

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We day dream of what we would do when we got more opportunities, more money, more skills, more connections…

I know you had wanted and you still want that super story, but come to think of it, you want to be an actor and the little part you are given in your church/school drama to play you don’t take it serious and you are dreaming that someday, you will be interviewed on some international television program as an award winning actor/actress!

You are a writer and you don’t write consistently, only to pick up your pen when there is a competition. How do you think you will get that super story?

The examples could go on and on but the punch line is this, you won’t be a superhero if you are not committed and consistent in your field of passion.

Dear, the actor, the writer, and the singer you see as a goddess or god did not become excellent in one day, it took commitment and consistency and a whole lot of other ingredients needed to make a person a star.

So by now, I presume you already know from the above that
Every night you spend at your desk writing, hoping to gain success even with the fear of failure lurking behind, you are training yourself to become a super hero.
Every time you perform those acts given to you in a play, even in the smallest of gathering, you are training yourself to become a super hero.
Every time, you go for song rehearsals and even drink those concoctions meant to purify your voice (I still wonder how they swallow those stuff), you are training yourself to become a super hero.

Basically, any action you take to become a better version of yourself, you are releasing yourself to become a hero. And though the world may seem not to notice at the beginning, keep on rolling and giving your best, because sooner than later, they will have no choice than to listen.

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