Failure And Success; You Must Always Win

Guess you are pricked by the above blog topic? Yes, I understand your shock.
 Our brains has been influenced to think that we must always win in every situation, hence your surprise.
Well I do not know but I believe there is no man on earth who had always had 100% success in every activity he carried out, there must have been moments of failure, of course except Jesus Christ.
So here is the unsmiling proclamation, “you will fail at certain points even with all your ‘wonderful actions’, which is if you have not been failing before now.”
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I’m not a prophet of doom but that is just the truth.
The wise however when they fail, they pick up the lessons that’s to be learned and move on.
To make you understand this success-failure gist, I will tell you a short wonderful story by Chioma Ezeigbo.
“A man once watched a video of village men in the village tapping palm wine and he had imagined, “what if I created something that could actually climb these trees and tap this palm wine, and even if there was any accident, it will be a machine falling from the palm tree and not the human being falling and dying like we’ve heard of in several occasions.
You should have seen his elation when the idea had hit him. Like these villagers wouldn’t have to stress their selves and the cases of death will be reduced to the barest minimum, and if possible, eliminated.
He started the robot project and he kept failing. For hundreds of time, he failed at getting the robot to start working but what he did was that at every failure, he made corrections of his mistakes in the next trial.
He kept trying and trying, and at the one thousandth time, he set the robot at the foot of a palm tree and swisshhh, the robot had climbed the tree and tapped the palm wine within minutes.”

If the story hasn’t clicked yet, it’s the story of Thomas Edison she retold in a most creative way.
Thomas Edison kept trying and trying the electric build and after hundreds of mistakes, boom, there was light in a bulb.
I’m still trying to imagine his elation when that light had come on in that bulb, you too should explore your own imagination.
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You can guess that he would have been heavily happy, and at that moment, his moments of failures will be wiped out in the face of success.
Thomas Edison’s story holds a lot that should be learnt. He didn’t succeed in those moments of failure, but for every trial he corrected himself and kept surging on.
You mustn’t always succeed at every endeavor or stage of life, what matters is that you picked up your lessons and you are still gunning for success.
Chioma Ezeigbo once wrote, “The world is waiting for you, don’t slack on the way.”
 This quote captures why failure needn’t deter you.

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