My Business Is My Business; 30yrs Old Son Sued By Parents For Refusing To Move Out Of The House

A judge has ordered a 30-year-old man in New York state to move out of his parents’ house, after a short legal battle.

 The state supreme court justice Donald Greenwood, during the hearing on Tuesday,  tried to convince Michael Rotondo, who reportedly moved back home eight years ago, to leave the family home in Camillus, near Syracuse, of his own accord. But Rotondo, who personally represented himself in court, argued that he was entitled to six more months of living with his family.

Donald Greenwood called this demand “outrageous” and served him with an eviction order. Toronto Michael, in turn, called the eviction order outrageous.

However, his parents went to their local town court in April,  to try and legally evict their son but were told to take their case to the state supreme court. The Rotondos filed a petition in state court and the judge heard the case on Tuesday.

Suing their son in state supreme court was a last resort for Christina and Mark Rotondo, who have spent the past few months sending Michael formal letters asking him to leave.

Meanwhile, In a note dated 2 February, which has been filed in Onondaga county supreme court, they wrote: “Michael, after a discussion with your mother, we have decided that you must leave this house immediately. You have 14 days to vacate. You will not be allowed to return. We will take whatever actions are necessary to enforce this decision.”

Despite being served with an eviction order, Rotondo seemed to enjoy his time in court. According to, Rotondo asked television cameras to interview him outside the courtroom. He made it clear that he didn’t live in a basement, and that he had his own bedroom. He also said he did his own laundry. When asked what he does,  Rotondo said he has his own business and won't say anything further except that "His Business is his Business "

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