Death After Death.......

I once watched a movie where a man killed for a living.
Thereafter, he met Jesus Christ and became a changed person, so changed that he became a pastor.
I can’t remember the name of this killer, so we will call him Francis.
So many years later, his past came calling.
The son of one of the men he had killed had come looking for him to kill him… revenge!
We will call the name of this son Travis.
When Travis came to Francis church (after having spent months picking out every single detail about Francis), he sat at the back with his Bible, like any other member would, but almost immediately Francis had recognized him.
Right at the alter Francis thought his end had come – KARMA! But he was ready to die for what he believed in now.
At the end of service, Francis had obediently walked Travis down to an uncompleted building close to the church after seeing the gun in the boy’s suit inner pocket.
He heard the shot and for a split millisecond, he thought he was dead but slowly he had shifted himself, opened his eyes, and still noticed that he was alive.
Travis had shot at the wall behind him, “this was supposed to be your death after the death of my father, but I forgive you.”
Those were Travis words and at that moment, it was one of the sweetest thing Francis had heard in his life.
Travis said those words because he felt Francis deserved forgiveness just as he too deserved it. It was time to leave the hurts of the past and cling to the promises of tomorrow.

It took time to heal – having to see the man who pointed the gun at your father and sent him to hades still living when you got all it took to kill him too but Travis knew, it was time to let go. 
He started worshipping at Francis church and over the years, a strong relationship developed between the both of them.
Did I mention that Travis later married Pastor Francis sister… yea, he did.
Seems like a good story huh? Pause and read the story again.
If there is something that is prevalent there, it is forgiveness.
Now it’s time to focus on your own story, yes, your personal life story.
You probably had done something terrible or had experienced hurt and every day, you keep nailing yourself to the cross… 
It’s time to let go if you want to have the joy of the present and the hope of the future.
Not only should you forgive yourself, you need to act! What separates dreamers from achievers is action.
Act on your character
Act on your inter-personal relationship skills
Act on your goals
Act on your confidence, (do not allow your secret fear of having old crew run into you stagnant your idea of living your best life).
Nobody will force you into a good life, you decide to live one intentionally. 

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