Orange Zest And It's Health Benefit


       One can say that eating an orange zest or otherwise known as orange peel might not seem very appealing, well it actually doesn't taste so bad. You quickly get use to the thickness and texture of the hard peel.

Stated below are some of the health benefits you never knew!

Protects Respiratory System

Eating foods that contain beta-cryptoxanthin are proven to lower your

chances for lung cancer significantly.

Orange peels and oranges are both known to contain a lot of this.

Anti-Cancer Activity

According to research published in the journal BioMed Research International:

"Due to their broad range of pharmacological properties, citrus flavonoids have gained increased attention.

 in vitro and in vivo studies indicate protective effects of polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) against the occurrence of cancer.

Improves Digestive System

The peels contain lots of fiber and non-soluble polysaccharides which help food move through your intestines better and digestion to work smoothly.


The peel has something in it that prevents histamine from being released.

Histamines are a chemical that causes allergic reactions.

Vitamin A will strengthen your immune system and keep a cold, cough, and flu far far away.

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