How To Get Rid Of Puffy Eyes

Puffy Eyes? You look tired or like you have just woken up after sleeping like a log for 2 days? Worry no more, here’s a solution from Wendy Beauty.

Puff eyes means having an excessive accumulation of fluids, called edema, in
surrounding skin tissue. Because the skin around the eyes is the thinnest skin in the body, swelling can be quite prominent and this results from a variety of factors including:

  1. Overconsumption of salt, which causes fluid retention
  1. Allergies that can cause inflammation and swelling
  1. Sinus problems
  1. Dehydration
  1. Fatigue and lack of sleep
  1. Stress
  1. Crying
  1. Aging
  1. Inherited facial features
Here’s the recipe to de-puff your eyes. It also works on Dark Circles so its a 2 in 1 Recipe
1. Boil some water if you were making a normal herbal tea and dip 2 Green Tea Bags. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
2. Strain it and let it sit in the fridge for an hour or so.
3. Place the tea bags on your eyes and relax for about 20 minutes.
Achieve beautiful lashes with this simple DIY
Your puffiness would have gone by now. If you want a quick fix you can place two frozen spoons on your eyes.

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