Man Rapes And Strangles His Friend's 2-Year-Old Daughter

A man by name ‘Simon’ has allegedly killed his friend’s 2year old daughter (Zaakierah Hendricks) which was left under his care by her mother who reportedly went clubbing with her girlfriend. This she did because she trusted her friend (Simon) not knowing it
would be her daughter’s last night on earth.
Zaakierah’s mother, Zayday Hendricks, 24, revealed that she had left the child in Simon’s care as she and her girlfriend went clubbing. She said she trusted him because he was her friend.
Meanwhile it was revealed that Simon allegedly fed Zaakierah a bottle before raping and strangling her.
The post-mortem examination revealed that the deceased died due to strangulation and had a gaping anus with pubic hair protruding from it.
The state said it had damning DNA evidence against Simon.