The Gold Rush.....

I guess you are already restless because the title reads gold right?
Yea I understand, who doesn’t want to have some karats of gold stored away in some safe place anyway?

Okay, I will spill before you knock me down with your excitement already (smiles).

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You remember the California gold rush during the 1800s?

The California Gold Rush (1848-1855) began on January 24 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California. The news of gold brought approximately 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad.
I don’t think I will be mistaken if I say that that period is here again, like literally now, yes.
The gold rush today is on the internet. Are you shocked?
Don’t be, all thanks to technology, we now have the digitized gold rush.
On a daily basis, people are making five figures and six figures and even more from the internet.

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Don’t even think the digitized gold is finishing anytime soon…. Instead of praying for that, you can start mining your own gold.
But wait! There is a primary secret you need to know if you want to have you own share of the gold.
You must be clear about the solution which you want to provide.
Those making those millions
have a particular niche they are known for. They know and thread their mission (road) without paying attention to shiny distractions – clarity of purpose!
You most probably might have been beating around the bush on the internet before now and that probably explains why today you see Mr. A being a thought leader, you want to become a thought leader. Tomorrow you see a blogger shining a flashy car in one of the pictures he or she uploaded and boom, you want to be a blogger.
Kilode? What? Why are you running around and trying to be everything without being a master of any?
The reason why you are being distracted by every shiny object is because you haven't clearly known where you are going and what you should be doing to get there.
 You need to have a clear picture of what you want to do and stick by it come rain come sun.
If you have clarity of what you really want and stand by it, your name will be etched on people’s mind.
Tell me, who doesn’t want their name engraved on the hearts of mortals? Nobody I guess.
So today, I want you to sit at your table, on the ground, anywhere at all and ask yourself, what is it that I really want?

When you do that, write it down, create a mental picture of you achieving it and then, start working on it.
Do not let anybody make you feel that your goals/dreams are sub-standard or worthless,
you have the right to run by that which you already have a clear picture of.
Go out there and make some name for yourself.
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