The Gold Rush.....

I guess you are already restless because the title reads gold right?
Yea I understand, who doesn’t want to have some karats of gold stored away in some safe place anyway?

Okay, I will spill before you knock me down with your excitement already (smiles).

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You remember the California gold rush during the 1800s?

Tips For a Healthy And Lasting Love Relationship

Most relationships start out rosy but eventually you’ll have to figure out how to make love grow in your relationship.
We can all agree that when someone says the three magic words of “I love you” to us, it still is not eventually as powerful as when they show it. Most of us see love as being dressed up as butterflies, warmth and sleepless night all spilled in poetry.

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Now these feelings of love are great because it is the kick-starter of a lasting romantic connection. However, it will take more than that to make love grow in your relationship. Action speaks louder than words and love is a verb so you have to figure out how to turn those fleeting feelings into real love.
Understand your significant other
To build any form of long-term intimate relationship with someone, you need to first develop empathy (share and care). When you actively empathize with another person, it becomes much easier to accept that person’s ups and downs.

Say “us” and “we” instead of “I” or “my”
Using words like us, ours and we when speaking and making decisions tends to create a sense of inclusion and cooperation. It also speaks of compromise and thoughtfulness about your partner. Using inclusive language is an active expression of love that your partner will consciously sense.

Feel free to disagree
It doesn’t matter how in sync you are with your partner, it is only human that you too disagree on issues and share possibly two extremely far apart opinions- be it about money, intimacy, political views or even as little as what side of the bed to sleep on. Recognize, understand and let co-exist the differences between you two. Moreover, even if you intend to change their views, do it progressively with love and a subtle tone.

The big picture is it is less about who is right and more about you two and the love that binds you together.

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Pay attention to your partner’s body language and more importantly, what they are saying. Be as curious as the cat with nine lives. Asking questions shows interest and desire.

Turning love into a verb is what will make love grow in your relationship, so start working on it today.