Failure And Success; You Must Always Win

Guess you are pricked by the above blog topic? Yes, I understand your shock.
 Our brains has been influenced to think that we must always win in every situation, hence your surprise.
Well I do not know but I believe there is no man on earth who had always had 100% success in every activity he carried out, there must have been moments of failure, of course except Jesus Christ.
So here is the unsmiling proclamation, “you will fail at certain points even with all your ‘wonderful actions’, which is if you have not been failing before now.”
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I’m not a prophet of doom but that is just the truth.
The wise however when they fail, they pick up the lessons that’s to be learned and move on.
To make you understand this success-failure gist, I will tell you a short wonderful story by Chioma Ezeigbo.
“A man once watched a video of village men in the village tapping palm wine and he had imagined, “what if I created something that could actually climb these trees and tap this palm wine, and even if there was any accident, it will be a machine falling from the palm tree and not the human being falling and dying like we’ve heard of in several occasions.
You should have seen his elation when the idea had hit him. Like these villagers wouldn’t have to stress their selves and the cases of death will be reduced to the barest minimum, and if possible, eliminated.
He started the robot project and he kept failing. For hundreds of time, he failed at getting the robot to start working but what he did was that at every failure, he made corrections of his mistakes in the next trial.
He kept trying and trying, and at the one thousandth time, he set the robot at the foot of a palm tree and swisshhh, the robot had climbed the tree and tapped the palm wine within minutes.”

If the story hasn’t clicked yet, it’s the story of Thomas Edison she retold in a most creative way.
Thomas Edison kept trying and trying the electric build and after hundreds of mistakes, boom, there was light in a bulb.
I’m still trying to imagine his elation when that light had come on in that bulb, you too should explore your own imagination.
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You can guess that he would have been heavily happy, and at that moment, his moments of failures will be wiped out in the face of success.
Thomas Edison’s story holds a lot that should be learnt. He didn’t succeed in those moments of failure, but for every trial he corrected himself and kept surging on.
You mustn’t always succeed at every endeavor or stage of life, what matters is that you picked up your lessons and you are still gunning for success.
Chioma Ezeigbo once wrote, “The world is waiting for you, don’t slack on the way.”
 This quote captures why failure needn’t deter you.


On a particular day, a little boy I knew had wanted to jump down from the top of the table to the ground all in the name that he was spider man! Thank God I was there, if not we would have been hearing stories of broken legs and broken teeth.

Back then when we used to watch cartoons, we saw super heroes and after watching their heroic acts, we started imitating them. And that was why a child that watched a superman (cartoon) where he (superman) lifted an airplane will go ahead to try to lift the sibling up, in the child’s innocent mind, he or she is a superman too.

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We somehow grew up with that mentality, hoping to be super heroes, to be thrown to the spotlight, even when we have not been committed and consistent to our passion (s)!

Commitment and consistency; that is the part of the story we forgot.

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We day dream of what we would do when we got more opportunities, more money, more skills, more connections…

I know you had wanted and you still want that super story, but come to think of it, you want to be an actor and the little part you are given in your church/school drama to play you don’t take it serious and you are dreaming that someday, you will be interviewed on some international television program as an award winning actor/actress!

You are a writer and you don’t write consistently, only to pick up your pen when there is a competition. How do you think you will get that super story?

The examples could go on and on but the punch line is this, you won’t be a superhero if you are not committed and consistent in your field of passion.

Dear, the actor, the writer, and the singer you see as a goddess or god did not become excellent in one day, it took commitment and consistency and a whole lot of other ingredients needed to make a person a star.

So by now, I presume you already know from the above that
Every night you spend at your desk writing, hoping to gain success even with the fear of failure lurking behind, you are training yourself to become a super hero.
Every time you perform those acts given to you in a play, even in the smallest of gathering, you are training yourself to become a super hero.
Every time, you go for song rehearsals and even drink those concoctions meant to purify your voice (I still wonder how they swallow those stuff), you are training yourself to become a super hero.

Basically, any action you take to become a better version of yourself, you are releasing yourself to become a hero. And though the world may seem not to notice at the beginning, keep on rolling and giving your best, because sooner than later, they will have no choice than to listen.

Meet the CaBe.....I was shy to ask Cathy out says Dr Egwu

The former Governor of Ebonyi State,  Dr Sam O Egwu's nephew Dr Uchenna Egwu has today 26th May 2018 tied the nuptial knot with his heartthrob Cathy N Elechi at St Joseph's  Chaplaincy cas, Abakaliki Ebonyi  after  an exuberant Nkwanwite(traditional marriage) at Ozzizza,  Afikpo North LGA in Ebonyi State.
Meanwhile before the big day,  the couple granted us an interview with them..
Read on...

How did you meet?
I saw her first at a friends's place without her knowing but we met one on one in our school environment while she was getting noodles and I was on my way to watch a football match.

What did you first think about her?
My first thought about her was that she was going to make a good partner.

How did you start dating?
I was a shy person,  so I asked her out through a text message and luckily for me,  she said "Yes"

How did you know she's the right one for you?
I felt the burning feeling deep down my heart and I prayed about it before I even asked her out and God answered my prayer.
Tell me three things you love about her?
She is well behaved
Can cook
And she's hardworking

What are some of  her quirks?
She is very stubborn
She believes that man and woman should have equal rights in everything
She can be annoying lol

How did the proposal happen?
Well.. Uhmmm, it happened on a surprise birthday I organized for her.

Name three memorable experience you have been through together.
We've had really good times and bad times.

How would you describe the dynamic of your relationship?  And how would others describe it? It has been outstanding and loving,  I can't tell how others see our relationship.

What values are important to you as a couple? Trust,  respect,  humanity,  and putting God first in all we do.

So Cathy tell me an embarrassing thing that has happened while you were with 'Him' (giggles)  It was the day he gave me his footwear when mine got spoit along the road,  (laughs)  it was really  embarrassing to me.

Where do you see yourselves in Ten years time? What are you most looking forward to in your future as a couple?
A happy family with kids and both of us achieving our dreams.

Waooow..... What a wonderful time out with the CaBe, from Cearua blog,  we wish the couple all the blessings associated to marriage in Jesus name.. Amen
However look out for our next blog post for their official wedding and traditional marriage photos.

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My Business Is My Business; 30yrs Old Son Sued By Parents For Refusing To Move Out Of The House

A judge has ordered a 30-year-old man in New York state to move out of his parents’ house, after a short legal battle.

 The state supreme court justice Donald Greenwood, during the hearing on Tuesday,  tried to convince Michael Rotondo, who reportedly moved back home eight years ago, to leave the family home in Camillus, near Syracuse, of his own accord. But Rotondo, who personally represented himself in court, argued that he was entitled to six more months of living with his family.

Donald Greenwood called this demand “outrageous” and served him with an eviction order. Toronto Michael, in turn, called the eviction order outrageous.

However, his parents went to their local town court in April,  to try and legally evict their son but were told to take their case to the state supreme court. The Rotondos filed a petition in state court and the judge heard the case on Tuesday.

Suing their son in state supreme court was a last resort for Christina and Mark Rotondo, who have spent the past few months sending Michael formal letters asking him to leave.

Meanwhile, In a note dated 2 February, which has been filed in Onondaga county supreme court, they wrote: “Michael, after a discussion with your mother, we have decided that you must leave this house immediately. You have 14 days to vacate. You will not be allowed to return. We will take whatever actions are necessary to enforce this decision.”

Despite being served with an eviction order, Rotondo seemed to enjoy his time in court. According to, Rotondo asked television cameras to interview him outside the courtroom. He made it clear that he didn’t live in a basement, and that he had his own bedroom. He also said he did his own laundry. When asked what he does,  Rotondo said he has his own business and won't say anything further except that "His Business is his Business "

Death After Death.......

I once watched a movie where a man killed for a living.
Thereafter, he met Jesus Christ and became a changed person, so changed that he became a pastor.
I can’t remember the name of this killer, so we will call him Francis.
So many years later, his past came calling.
The son of one of the men he had killed had come looking for him to kill him… revenge!
We will call the name of this son Travis.
When Travis came to Francis church (after having spent months picking out every single detail about Francis), he sat at the back with his Bible, like any other member would, but almost immediately Francis had recognized him.
Right at the alter Francis thought his end had come – KARMA! But he was ready to die for what he believed in now.
At the end of service, Francis had obediently walked Travis down to an uncompleted building close to the church after seeing the gun in the boy’s suit inner pocket.
He heard the shot and for a split millisecond, he thought he was dead but slowly he had shifted himself, opened his eyes, and still noticed that he was alive.
Travis had shot at the wall behind him, “this was supposed to be your death after the death of my father, but I forgive you.”
Those were Travis words and at that moment, it was one of the sweetest thing Francis had heard in his life.
Travis said those words because he felt Francis deserved forgiveness just as he too deserved it. It was time to leave the hurts of the past and cling to the promises of tomorrow.

It took time to heal – having to see the man who pointed the gun at your father and sent him to hades still living when you got all it took to kill him too but Travis knew, it was time to let go. 
He started worshipping at Francis church and over the years, a strong relationship developed between the both of them.
Did I mention that Travis later married Pastor Francis sister… yea, he did.
Seems like a good story huh? Pause and read the story again.
If there is something that is prevalent there, it is forgiveness.
Now it’s time to focus on your own story, yes, your personal life story.
You probably had done something terrible or had experienced hurt and every day, you keep nailing yourself to the cross… 
It’s time to let go if you want to have the joy of the present and the hope of the future.
Not only should you forgive yourself, you need to act! What separates dreamers from achievers is action.
Act on your character
Act on your inter-personal relationship skills
Act on your goals
Act on your confidence, (do not allow your secret fear of having old crew run into you stagnant your idea of living your best life).
Nobody will force you into a good life, you decide to live one intentionally.