University Of Abuja Shut For An Unspecified Time

The University Of Abuja,situated in the Federal Capital Territory, has been shutdown indefinitely, following a protest instigated by students in the two campuses.
The institution was ordered shut on Monday by the University’s Governing Council while students were
chased out of the hostels and school premises.
The University which has been in existence for almost three decades has been enmeshed in series of crisis which has also impeded its growth.
It was gathered that an industrial action recently embarked on by a factional group of the Academic Staff Union of Universities(ASUU) in the university was also some of the remote reasons that elicited the protest by the students.
Some of the students who took part in the protest at the mini campus but preferred to remain anonymous told our reporter that they were chased out of the campus  and the school has been put under lock and key.
The scenario wasn’t so different in the hostel premises as security agents used tear-gas to force students to leave the school compound.
At the main campus,  notices were conspicuously placed on all notice boards in each departments ordering every student to leave the school compound immediately.
As at the time of filing this report,some of the students were seen packing their luggages and heading home.
Meanwhile,there are also indications that factional groups of ASUU,UniAbuja chapter are at loggerheads over who becomes the next Vice Chancellor.

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