Sores On The Genitals...what are they and what do they look like?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are often misunderstood. Many people have made false assumptions about these conditions based on inaccurate or incomplete information they’ve received over the years. However, it’s important to know the truth about STDs in order to protect both yourself and your partner. In this article, I will be talking on the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention  of some of them. Lets get started........
A single, painless sore on the genitals may be a sign of
syphilis but several sores are likely to be a sign of other sexually transmitted diseases like Genital Herpes, Genital Warts and Chancroid. Now lets take them one after the other

Genital Warts

Genital warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) a virus that is spread by sexual contact . They look like warts on the other parts of the body but there are usually more of them.


Small, hard, whitish or brownish skin growths that have a rough surface.
In men, they usually grow on the penis but can also grow on the scrotum or anus (asshole)
In women, they grow on the lips of the vagina, inside the vagina or on the cervix or around the anus.


Apply a small amount of bichloroacetic acid or podophyllin to each wart. If possible, first apply some Vaseline or other greasy ointment to the skin around each wart to protect the healthy skin. Podophyllin must be washed off 6 hours later. Several treatments are usually necessary. The warts will slowly go away but often returns.
The virus that causes genital warts is not curable, however, many people are able to suppress the virus naturally from their bodies over time. Genital warts can be successfully treated and there are various treatment methods available. These include topical creams for external application, laser removal, freezing, etc. You should always consult your Doctor.


The man should wear a condom during sex if either he or his has genital warts.

                                            Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a painfull skin infecton caused by a virus. Small blisters appea on the sex parts. Genital herpes spread from one person to the other during sex though it is different fro the type of herpes that commonly occurs on the mouth which is not spread sexually. 


One or more small very painful blisters like drops of water on the skin appear on the sex organs (penis and vagina), anus, buttocks or thighs.
Decreased appetite.
Blisters burst and form small open sores.
These dry up and become scabs.
The herpess sores can last for 3 weeks or more with fever, aches, chills, and swollen lymph nodes in the groin.
Women may have trouble urinating.
 The virus stays in the body after all signs disappear. New blisters can appear at any time from weeks to years later. Usually, the new sores appear in the same place but are fewer not as painful and heals more quickly.


There is no medicine that cures herpes.
Keep the area clean.
Do not have sex while the blisters or sores are present...not even with a condom.

Wash your hands often and try not touch the sores because infection can spread to the eyes if a person rubs them after touching the sores.


If a woman has herpes sores when she gives birth, her baby can get it and this could be very dangerous. So always let your health worker or midwife know if you ave ever had genital herpes.


 This is an acute, localized autoinoculable infectious disease usually acquired through sexual contact. Caused by HAEMOPHILUS DUCREYI.


Painful urination
Soft, painful sores on the genitals
 Enlarged lymph nodes may develop in the groin


Give co-trimoxazole or erythromycin for 7 days
It is often a good idea to  treat for syphilis at the same time
If there are enlarged lymph nodes, see a health worker who can drain them.
         Warning: Keep to one partner.........stay healthy

1 comment:

  1. Waow thanks a big one my dear blogger. U'v real educated me . God bless you real Good.


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