Motivation Myth
"The Sky Has Never Been The Limit"
 What exactly are you capable of ­achieving? What is a realistic "expectation for your life and what constitutes sheer madness? Is ‑there a limit to how high you
should aim?. The simple answer to these questions is simply that you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to; if you can think it, then it’s a realistic expectation; ­and you can aim as high as you want.
Motivation myth- the sky has never been the limit
­We have probably all heard the wise saying: the sky is the limit. this would seem to have a lot of wisdom in it at first glance. However, it implies that mans ‑potential has a limit when in "actual fact, mans potential is limitless. Let’s examine what "exactly your potential as a human     being is. Firstly, let’s define potential. Potential is all that you can be, but have not yet become. It is all you can accomplish, but have not yet accomplished. It is unexposed or dormant ability. This means that the ability to become and to do is already there. It just hasn’t been brought out and utilized. Consider a fertilized human egg (zygote). That single cell has the "ability to form every part of the human body. Everything from #your brain to your toenails can be formed by that single cell. It has unlimited potential. Motivation myth- your potential is limitless similarly, the mind of man has unlimited potential. It has the limitless ability to create. Man has ­been on earth for thousands of years, yet we are still making new ­discoveries today and creating ­new things every day. We cannot exhaust the creative power of our minds. The functioning of our minds remains, for the most part, a mystery even to modern day ­science. But even though we do not understand its functioning, we cannot deny its power.‑

Motivation myth- you have the power within
Your most powerful asset is your !mind. The answer to the question what is a realistic goal and what (is achievable is entirely up to you. If your mind can accept that !something is achievable, it will  find a way to attain that thing. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can #achieve. These are the immortal ‑words of Napoleon Hill, a man #who truly understood that there ­are no limitations to the mind ­except those we acknowledge.$Your possibilities are limited only  by your thinking. What may be a "limit for one person is a walk in (the park for another. Its all in the mindset.!Your potential as a human being, #then, is unlimited. You have within!you the ability to become and to ­achieve anything you want. Now ‑that you understand that your "potential is limitless, your next challenge is to answer the ­question: what do you want out of life?

Motivation myth- think of the possibilities!
Before you start scratching your  head and making excuses, let me help you a little. If money, education, social status and so on,were no hindrance what would !you want out of life? If all the knowledge and wealth in the !world were at your disposal what ­would you want to be and to do?#Even with all the resources at your disposal, it is very likely that you  would still struggle to come up with 3 goals that you are  absolutely passionate about and to which you would dedicate  every waking hour. Therein lies ­the problem  it is not your &possibilities that are limited, it is your thinking Your vision is limited only by you.  The problem is that you don't know what you should be. Its not#your fault, really: your education  has messed you up. It has taken your boundless potential and ­shrunk it and shaped it into a (narrow title. You are a nurse, or accountant or driver.It doesn't matter what title has  been placed on you, you need to  break free from it. You are not !what you do. See yourself as the ­truly capable human being that you are.
Motivation myth- cultivate the right mindset
This requires that you look deep  within and examine your mindset.Are there things you have  accepted simply because everyone else seems to accept them? Have you accepted society's standards as your own?A word of caution: society  celebrates mediocrity. Ordinary "people do not like it when others get ahead. It only exposes their #lack of vision and motivation. That is why mediocrity is often embraced and excellence is shunned. Being ordinary is
acceptable.If you want more, there is something wrong with you. If  something is widely accepted and%everyone is doing it, it is probably "better for you as a dreamer not to ­do it. If you want to get what "everyone else is getting, do what everyone else is doing.'It is not difficult to see the results others are getting from what they are doing. The good news is you don’t have to do what they are "doing. Find your own way. Utilize the potential within you.‑Dig out your potential like a $prospector digs for oil. The oil has"always been there just waiting to !be tapped. But if no one bothered%to search for it and bring it to the "surface it would just remain there dormant, wasting and useless.So it is with your potential. If you "do not challenge yourself to grow beyond your present "circumstances, it will just waste  away and be totally useless not  only to you, but to the rest of humanity.

Do not rob this country of such a great resource as yourself. Utilize your potential. Be all that you can "be so that when you die, you will have utilized every single drop of
your being. Marianne Williamson said our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond "measure. It is our light, not our "darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be "brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you?
Not to be? "You are all you can be. Go on and be it.
Happy reading.

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